A Million Smiles

101 True (well, mostly true) Smilemaking Stories - People who smile a lot live longer, heal faster, love better, and are happier. So why are there so many grumpy people? Let's fix that.

by Peter Hartjens, Certifiable Smilemaker

A Million Smiles

A Million Smiles

101 True (well, mostly true) Smilemaking Stories - People who smile a lot live longer, heal faster, love better, and are happier. So why are there so many grumpy people? Let's fix that.

by Peter Hartjens, Certifiable Smilemaker

Published Jan 29, 2015
197 Pages
Genre: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs


Book Details

From the bestselling author of Nothing, Yet

“I smiled, laughed, wept and nodded my head many times while I read, and now I have a warm fuzzy heart.” —Sandy J., NC “To embrace Peter’s delectable view of the world and his passion for everyday life would give us all a happier and healthier planet, no doubt! A Million Smiles is heartwarming Peter at his best.” —Susan G, Ecuador “Beware of starting this book. I must warn of its addictive nature. I began, thinking I would take a small sample and found I could not stop, turning page after page although I knew I was going to be late for an appointment. Sheer foolishness on my part, but I blame Peter Hartjens. He’s cooked up an enchanting recipe for delight that includes elephants, bicyclists, flowers, grandchildren, chocolate, wizards and numerous other unexpected ingredients.” —Lou L., NC