Addiction: Birth to Recovery

by Joseph N. Perry


Book Details

DO YOU OR A FAMILY MEMBER HAVE AN "ADDICTION"? Here is YOUR opportunity to understand our "TREMENDOUS" need to "CREATE EMOTIONAL PLEASURE" and "AVOID EMOTIONAL PAIN" through a variety of "ADDICTIONS" understand how our society "socially" conditions us to develope addictive personalities, even before we pick up that first drug or understand the type of person we have become as a result, and the necessity for change!


Book Excerpt

If we always think the way we've always thought, we'll always feel the way we've always felt...if we always do what we've always done, we'll always get what we've always got, and we'll always be who we've always been....and never create the chance to become the person we were meant to be! We MUST be "WILLING" to "CHANGE" our "BELIEF SYSTEM"!


About the Author

Joseph N. Perry

Joseph N. Perry is a 14 year recovering addict... an ordinary citizen that developed an “addictive personality” at an early age. As a result, he entered into relationships with "something" or "someone" OUTSIDE of himself (drugs, money, sex, food, cars, jewelry, credit cards, status, criminal activities, etc.) and continued those relationships IN SPITE of the negative consequences to himself and others.

After being arrested over and over again, he finally realized that he had been RESCUED BY A HIGHER POWER! The 12 Steps to Recovery.

As a result of a "SPIRITUAL AWAKENING" he made an internal decision to "CHALLENGE" his "OWN" belief system.