West of the Parthenon

My Memoir

by George Karnikis

West of the Parthenon

West of the Parthenon

My Memoir

by George Karnikis

Published Jun 19, 2011
291 Pages
Genre: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Adventurers & Explorers


Book Details

From the dialogues with Kirandonakis my mentor, Q “Why am I here, what’s the meaning of me being here as a human being, and who made us?” A “You and I, and all other human beings, and every living thing are here by accident; no one made us.” “Be a good man because you want to; not because someone puts the fear of god in you, or someone orders you to” “West of the Parthenon, by the sea of Keratsini, and by the mountains to the north, is where I saw the first light upon coming in this world.” “On a February morning in 1948, breakfast was my only incentive to go to school. Greece was recovering from the German occupation and civil war. As I neared the school, I could almost taste the hot cocoa."


Book Excerpt

Because it was extremely cold, and I didn’t have enough clothing, my mother made three holes in a pillowcase and put it over me to keep me warm. The pillowcase was too large for my little body, and I must have looked like a hermit crab.” “Above my teacher’s desk hung the Greek flag in all its glory. I climbed on the desk, grabbed it, and with missionary zeal, tore it in pieces, and cleaned all the windows to perfection. I put all the used pieces in the wastebasket. When Miss Kukidu returned, her eyes fell on the windows, then at the basket, and her face was stricken with horror.” “I tried to engage her in conversation while waiting for the sunrise, but she put her finger on her mouth, indicating she didn’t want to talk. I respected her wish and didn’t say a word.”


About the Author

George Karnikis

The author was born in Greece, completed his early education there, traveled around the world for ten years, and conducted tours in Europe. He settled in the United States in 1965 and has lived on Orcas Island for the last thirty-eight years. He has worked in construction in the San Juan Islands, designing and remodeling residential housing. He is the author of Project Anastrophe, a sci-fi novel. He attends literature and memoir writing classes on Orcas Island and continues to write poetry and short stories. He teaches English as a second language and is now working on his next novel.

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Also by George Karnikis

Project Anastrophe


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