How The Art of Saying Thank You TransformsYour Life!

by Cheryl Russell


Book Details

When You Practice THANKYOUOLOGY...

With thank you thoughts, words and actions, THANKYOUOLOGY has the powerful tools for YOU to create a most magnificent way of life!

* Thrive with better health when you say thank you to your body.

* Enrich relationships with thank you words and actions.

* Design your day when you write thank you affirmations.

* Celebrate the reality of your dreams with the power of thank you.

* Overcome challenges when you have faith in saying thank you.

* Have fun when you express thank you your own way.

* Receive abundantly when you say thank you with all your heart.

From basic tools to the advanced practice of a thank you consciousness, the principles of THANKYOUOLOGY are easy to understand in a "conversational textbook" approach. This how-to-book motivates you through inspiring stories, positive psychology and empowering gratitude ideas.


And, thank you for sharing your stories with me and others about what happens “when you say thank you with all your heart!"

Cheryl Russell


Book Excerpt

Chapter 5 – Saying Thank You to Your Body

It is my belief that if we said thank you to our body as often as the pharmaceutical companies advertise drugs on television and in print, I think there would be less need for prescription medications.

Chapter 6 – Saying Thank You to Others

Why is it so important to say thank you to others? At the top of the list is the fact that happiness in relationships is a predictor of a healthy well-being, more than material possessions.

Chapter 10 – Receiving the Gifts of Thank You

Saying thank you works both as a way of “giving” as well as “receiving.” One is not superior to the other as the saying that “it is better to give than receive” might suggest. Similar to breathing, both inhaling and exhaling are necessary—they compliment each other. The same is true for giving and receiving. There must be a balance of both. The question is: Are you ready to receive?


About the Author

Cheryl Russell

Cheryl Russell is a writer, publisher, and keynote speaker on topics that reflect her solo travels around the world, 35 years in business, and a lifetime of developing philosphical perspectives. After years of coaching people with life-changing principles, she realized saying thank you was at the heart of what she taught. In THANKYOUOLOGY, she teaches a thank you philosophy that turns "the talk" into "the walk."