Prince Hall Freemasonry

The Secret Within

by Warrior Hawk


Book Details


An aura of mystery surrounds the Masonic tradition founded by Prince Hall. Part of this aura comes from the false perception, held even by many fellow Masons, that Prince Hall Freemasonry is different from “normal” Masonry, with special rites and ceremonies and a different set of core beliefs than those held by other Freemasons. There is also the aura of mystery that surrounds Prince Hall himself. Although Hall is widely recognized as the father of Black Masonry in the United States, few records pertaining to his life have been found. In Prince Hall Freemasonry: The Secret Within, the author attempts to dispel the perception that Freemasonry is a secret mysterious group. The book not only reveals the history of Prince Hall masonry but is a comprehensive guide and teaching tool for Masonic schools—offering a fascinating look into an organization often perceived as taboo to outsiders.THIS BOOK HAS BEEN ADOPTED BY THE MOST WORSHIPFUL PRINCE HALL GRAND LODGE OF PENNSYLVANIA, AS A REFERENCE BOOK FOR ALL MASONS IN THE JURISDICTION OF PENNSYLVANIA, The FirstTime in History for this Contribution.


Book Excerpt


About the Author

Warrior Hawk

About the Author: Warrior Hawk is a native of Pennsylvania and a graduate of Central Catholic High School, Edinboro University and University of Maryland, Eastern Shore. With multiple degrees, he is a successful businessman, who entered the Masonry craft years ago in pursuit of community and individual involvement. Warrior Hawk is a Past Master, Past Eminent Commander, Past Thrice Illustrious Master, 32 Degree and Past Potentate. Prince Hall Freemasonry is his Dedication to Prince Hall and the Craft.