Make Your Own FUN!

by Stacey Campbell


Book Details

Make Your Own FUN! It doesn’t matter Where you are…Who you are with… or What situation is thrown your way; How you use Your Own imagination makes any situation FUN!

Make Your Own FUN! is the first book in Nuf and Unf’s journey of imagination. Seeing any situation as fun and positive with the utilization of imagination; join them from seeing things in black and white to experiencing all the colors of life.


About the Author

Stacey Campbell

Stacey Campbell has embraced Making Your Own FUN! Her love of animals, counseling at risk youth and current career in business change management has resulted in a mission to create a culture of people that Make Your Own FUN! She hopes to inspire others to think out of the box, not color inside the lines and help her in the creation of One FUN World!