God's Pathway to Marriage

A Biblical Approach to Acquiring Your Soul Mate

by L. E. Green

God's Pathway to Marriage

God's Pathway to Marriage

A Biblical Approach to Acquiring Your Soul Mate

by L. E. Green

Published Jun 28, 2013
164 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Christian Living / Love & Marriage


Book Details

Did You Know That Your Marriage is an Appointment?

Ecclesiastes declares that there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavens. There is a time to be born, and a time to die. There is also a time to marry. These times are ordained in eternity, and have been appointed for us. YOUR MARRIAGE IS AN APPOINTMENT! However, reaping the benefits from our set times and seasons requires us to be in the appointed place at the appointed time. In “God's Pathway to Marriage,” you will learn how to prepare and properly position yourself to acquire your companion. You’ll also find the answers to questions such as: • Why was Adam alone at the beginning of creation? • What caused God to say, “It is not good for the man to be alone.” • What did God accomplish by bringing the animals before Adam? • What are the pathways revealed in Genesis, chapters 16 and 24? • Why was it significant that women drew water from the well, and how does that relate to marriage preparation? • What did Jesus desire to do for the Samaritan woman at the well? ...and much more. Whether you are a babe in Christ, or a seasoned veteran, you’ll be astounded at the unorthodox, yet scripturally based revelations that are uncovered in this work of art. If your desire is to know God’s blueprint for how a person should prepare for marriage, then this is the book for you! Prepare yourself to be blessed!


Book Excerpt


About the Author

L. E. Green

A deep revelatory insight into the Word of God, coupled with an influential nature is what makes the writings of L.E. Green both appealing and captivating. He possesses the rare ability to engage an audience in such a way that it seems as if he is speaking to each individual directly. L.E. Green is a member of Highpoint Christian Tabernacle Church, where he is admonished in the ways of the Lord under the Apostolic covering of Drs. Thomas and Carolyn Vinson. He currently resides in Kennesaw, GA, where he lives with his wife and three children.



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