Blessed In His Presence

Steps to Accessing God

by Roger Prewitt


Book Details

An Insightful Guide to a Closer Relationship with God

Many Christians want a closer relationship with God, but they don’t know how to reach that goal. We may become confused by Old Testament stories, in which only the high priests had access to God, by entering into the Holy of Holies. But the message of the New Testament promises that everyone can have a personal relationship with God, because of Jesus. We must enter into the presence of God in a suitable condition: peaceably, respectfully, with love and forgiveness for our fellow man. But even more than that, we must work on our relationship with God, and spend time with Him. Living a virtuous life isn’t enough, and doing good works isn’t enough…though these things are important. In the Beatitudes, Jesus shows us how to grow close to God, and Blessed in His Presence expands on those concepts with real-life examples we can relate to as modern-day Christians. Compassionate, enlightening, and grounded in the integrity of the Scriptures, Blessed in His Presence gives you valuable help in your walk with God.


Book Excerpt


About the Author

Roger Prewitt

Roger Prewitt is a graduate of Colorado Christian University and has devoted his entire life to ministry. As a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ since 1972, he has ministered as a youth pastor, Sunday school teacher, and community care director. Roger and his wife Shelly live in southeast Michigan. They have four adult children.